Vaccines are recommended for adults based on age, health conditions, job, and other factors. No personal information will be retained by CDC. * This vaccine assessment tool applies to adults 19 years or older.
On February 22, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law S.8084-A/A.9283-A, creating an adult-use conditional processor license. This license will allow businesses who are already licensed to process cannabinoid hemp in the Cannabinoid Hemp Program to apply for a license to process adult-use cannabis products in the Adult-Use Program. This application opportunity is only available to active cannabinoid hemp processor license-holders who applied for their license before January 1, 2022.
Pursuant to the Cannabis Law, adult-use conditional processor licensees will be permitted to process cannabis products containing over 0.3% THC for the Adult-Use Cannabis Program. The license will also be authorized for the distribution of cannabis products to duly licensed adult-use retail dispensaries until June 1, 2023. After June 1, 2023, conditional processors seeking to distribute cannabis products, will be required to apply for a separate distributor license to engage in this activity.
Arizona Adult Protective Services (APS) is a program within the DES Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) and is responsible for investigating allegations of abuse, exploitation and neglect of vulnerable adults.
Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) providers are organizations with instructors delivering English language, math, reading, writing and workforce training instruction to help adult students acquire the skills needed to succeed in the workforce, earn a high school equivalency, and enter and succeed in college or workforce training. TWC contracts with a wide variety of organizations to provide AEL instruction and promote an increased opportunity for adult learners to transition to postsecondary education, training or employment.
Individuals interested in becoming AEL instructors should contact the provider in your area. As an integral part of the workforce development system, AEL providers help adults obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency. TWC delivers professional development and innovation through The Training, Resources And Innovation Network for Texas (TRAIN TEX) strategy.
Texas Educating Adults Management System (TEAMS) is the data management system for federally funded adult education and literacy programs in Texas. TEAMS access is limited to people who work for an adult education and literacy grant recipient or sub-recipient.
Florida law requires the reporting of known or suspected abuse, neglect, abandonment, exploitation, or self-neglect of vulnerable adults (elderly or disabled). The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you suspect or know of a vulnerable adult in immediate danger, call 911.
The Adult Protective Services Program is responsible for preventing further harm to vulnerable adults who are victims of abuse, neglect, exploitation or self-neglect. (Chapter 415, F.S.). These adults may experience abuse, neglect, or exploitation by second parties or may fail to take care of themselves adequately. Florida statutes require any person who knows or who has reasonable cause to suspect any abuse of vulnerable adults to report that information to the Florida Abuse Hotline.
The Adult Corrections System consists of the three main adult facilities, a prison annex, four Community Work Centers for minimum-security inmates and parolees in the Community Transition Program, prison industries and parole.
Our website also features a great deal of information on statistics on adult corrections, our history and the various programs provided. Information on a variety of subjects is available on adult corrections in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) section of our website.
The mission of the Adult Protective Services Division is to support and enable County Departments to protect elderly and disabled adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation and prevent unnecessary institutionalization.
The APS Act of 1976 specifically addresses abuse, neglect and exploitation of adults who are incapable of protecting themselves and who have no one willing or able to protect them. The responsibilities of the Alabama Department of Human Resources, law enforcement authorities, caregivers, individuals, and agencies in reporting and investigating these cases are outlined in the APS Act of 1976. Under this Act, DHR must receive and investigate reports of suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation. DHR must also arrange services, petition in an emergency situation and report to court. This law also permits DHR to arrange the necessary services to protect this vulnerable population of adults.
Adult abuse is the mistreatment of an impaired adult, age 18 or over, who may be dependent on someone else for basic needs. Further explanation can be found on the page Definitions of Adult Abuse, Neglect and Financial Exploitation.
The Adult Protective Services program, provided through local departments of social services, has the legal responsibility to investigate alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable adults, age 18 and over, who live in the community, and to provide services to protect such adult from harm.
Adult Protective Services are available to New Yorkers age 18 or older, living in the community, who due to physical or mental impairment are at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Services include: counseling for the adult and family; arranging for medical and mental health assessments; applying for benefits; coordination with law enforcement and other agencies; finding alternative living arrangements; financial management services; homemaker and housekeeper chore services within specified limits; crisis interventions, such as protective court orders; and long-term legal interventions, such as guardianship.
Call your local Department of Social Services Adult Protective Services, which will investigate reports of adult and elder abuse. See the Contact APS page. If an adult is in danger and needs immediate assistance, you should contact local law enforcement or 911.
Scam artists are using the Coronavirus Emergency to get older adults' personal identity information and steal money. Beware of phone calls, emails or visitors at your door who can't provide verifiable identification and who ask for your personal information, including your name, age, Social Security number or bank information. They may falsely claim they represent a special government program with services for seniors, but have no connection to any government agency.
The 2019 Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities (CCF) covers adult correctional facilities operated by state departments of corrections, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), and private contractors in all 50 states, including the combined jail and prison systems in Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Facilities that were included in the CCF housed prisoners primarily for state or BOP authorities; were operational on the day of the census; and were physically, functionally, and administratively separate from other facilities.
Adult Protective Services (APS) receives and investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults 60 years of age or older and incapacitated adults age 18 or older. If protective services are needed and accepted by the individual, local APS workers may arrange for a wide variety of health, housing, social and legal services to stop the mistreatment or prevent further mistreatment. Services offered may include home-based care, transportation, adult day services, adult foster care, nutrition services and legal intervention in order to protect the adult. Services may also be arranged for individuals in emergency situations who lack the capacity to consent to services.
Do you work or engage with older or incapacitated adults? Click here for posters which highlight signs of adult maltreatment and provide information on how to report allegations to APS.
The New York State Department of Health licenses and regulates adult homes, enriched housing programs, and residences for adults, collectively known as adult care facilities. These facilities provide temporary (respite) or long-term, non-medical residential care services to adults who are substantially unable to live independently; which may be due to physical, mental, or other limitations associated with age or other factors. Residents are provided with personal care and services on a long-term basis, in order to enable them to remain healthy and to participate in daily personal and community activities. For more information about these services including assisted living, visit our page about adult care facility services.
Enriched Housing Program (EHP): Provides long-term residential care to five or more adults, primarily people sixty-five years of age or older, in community-integrated settings resembling independent housing units. The program provides or arranges for room, board, housekeeping, personal care, and supervision.
Assisted Living Residence (ALR): Provides or arranges for housing, on-site monitoring, and personal care services and/or home care services in a home-like setting to five or more adult residents. The ALR provides daily food service, twenty-four hour on-site monitoring, case management services, and the development of an individualized service plan for each resident. The ALR must be located within either a licensed adult home or enriched housing program.
Assisted Living Program (ALP): Provides services to persons who are medically eligible for nursing home placement but in a less medically intensive, lower cost setting. The ALP provides personal care, room, board, housekeeping, supervision, home health aides, personal emergency response services, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medical supplies and equipment, adult day health care, home health services, and the case management services of a registered professional nurse. 59ce067264