Breath Of Ghosts 2-DARKSiDERS
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After demanding one last time that he open the portal, Death killed the Crowfather, telling him that his secrets would die with him. With his last breath, the Crowfather rasped that his secrets would die, but not Death's. He then began to dissolve into a black mass of crows. The amulet around the Crowfather's neck shattered, and its fragments embedded themselves into Death's chest. The Horseman lost consciousness and the Old One's body collapsed into a dark vortex that consumed Death, leaving the Nephilim in the Forge Lands and setting him on the path to the Tree.
The Force ghost was the soul and essence of a deceased Force-sensitive who denied the will of the Force upon death, yet was able to interact with the living. It also described those who had come to terms with death and invoked this technique to preserve their identity, manipulating their own pneuma to guard against being absorbed into the Force in such a way that they would lose their identity. Some Sith Lords learned similar techniques, which in some cases were combined with the art of Essence Transfer, and thus allowed them to physically interact with their environment. This ability also allowed the Force user to interact with both living beings and other Force ghosts.
In its \"normal\" state, a Force ghost could only interact with other noncorporeal entities. In order to be heard or seen by the living, the Spirit had to manifest itself.[7] There were different types of manifestation. On a basic level, a Force ghost could appear as a floating, milky gray mass of energy that lacked distinctive features.[6] But it could also manifest itself as the exact image of the dead being during their lifetime, only transparent and emitting a bluish glow.[9] While it could appear to anyone it wished, a spirit could not choose to become audible or visible to only some beings and not the others, since the ability to perceive the manifestation depended on the beholder's strength in the Force.[7] While many Force ghosts could appear as a vision of their former selves unmarked by injury or disease,[8] others still bore the marks of what killed them. The ghost of Aidan Bok wore tattered robes and had gaping wounds in its body, the marks left by a lightsaber.[6] Sometimes, a particular Force ghost would bind itself to a Force-sensitive as a guardian spirit for the purpose of providing wisdom, continuing training, and offering aid.[10]
This technique of maintenance of the identity in the pneuma[11] was prone to eventually fade such that they passed into whatever was beyond death and even Force ghosts,[12] however, unless the Force user had used the dark side to bind their spirit to a place or thing[10] via transfer essence[13] Despite this, lightsiders sometimes could manifest for decades[14] or millennia after their deaths.[15]
This state was temporary, as Force ghosts were an intermediate state between life and afterlife; after a certain amount of time, they would then have to move on to the Netherworld of the Force, another realm of existence. Darth Vader learned of this ability through Darth Sidious, and upon his death, the spirits of Kenobi and Yoda completed his training by granting him the last step in becoming a spirit. Anakin's spirit appeared as that of his younger self, prior to his fall to the dark side.
Notable Sith such as Darth Andeddu and Darth Bane feared their own mortality rather than embracing it and becoming ghosts of the Force such as their Jedi counterparts. Due to this fact they sought ways to escape death and live on indefinitely. Though there was much speculation, Bane's body did not disappear and become one with the Force when he died. His soul was absorbed into his apprentice's body and dominated by her soul leaving behind only a trace of his soul, only sufficient to trouble her hand on occasion. In this case, and many others, the Sith lived on only in the small essences of their souls that they embedded into their Sith holocrons. Whereas the many Jedi who believed that there was no death, only the Force, lived on forever through the acceptance of their death, the Sith believed that the Force would free them and break their chains that bound them to their mortal self.[18]
Ergast, a Lord of the Old Sith Empire, discovered a technique called the Force walk that allowed a Sith to bind a Force ghost to themselves, allowing them to harness the ghost's Force presence as a source of energy for their own powers. During the Cold War, Ergast's own ghost taught the technique to the renegade Sith Inquisitor Lord Kallig, who sought a weapon against Darth Thanaton under the direction of their ancestor, the ghost of Lord Aloysius Kallig.[19] The younger Kallig went on to bind a total of four ghosts, including Ergast himself.[20]
During the original trilogy, some fans and Expanded Universe writers believed that this happened to all Jedi who died, even fallen Jedi who repented at the end of their lives, such as Darth Vader and the Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma. In the latter case, the vanishing was a sign that his spirit was redeemed. In works such as Tales of the Jedi, some Jedi who die are seen dissolving, and sometimes later appearing as ghosts.
Qui-Gon Jinn was the first character in a film to show Star Wars audiences that not all Jedi became Force ghosts upon dying (by virtue of his body not disappearing at death), but he was established in Attack of the Clones as a voice addressing Anakin Skywalker, and also in Revenge of the Sith as the first (by chronological order) film character to learn how to become a Force ghost, despite his body not disappearing at death. Mara Jade Skywalker did something similar after dying. She only faded away when Jacen (secretly Darth Caedus) entered the room in a last-ditch effort to inform the Jedi about him, which would seem to imply that a Force-user who has mastered the ability to turn into a Force ghost has control of their body. Qui-Gon Jinn, as a Force ghost, is also seen to appear to both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in the Clone Wars animated series episode, \"Ghosts of Mortis.\"[29]
In both the novel and the comic book version of Revenge of the Sith, the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn tells Yoda that only light-siders may live on as Force ghosts, and that this is something that dark-siders cannot learn, but this claim is not, in fact, true. However, in Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Darth Sidious (who mastered and perfected the technique with the use of clone bodies himself) reveals that the ancient Sith Lords once had the ability to \"survive death\", but this knowledge was somehow lost over time. It is unclear which Sith Lords qualify as \"ancient\" in this context, although Skere Kaan and Qordis were the last known Sith to have escaped being lost in the Netherworld of the Force before Palpatine. It could be possible that Qui-Gon was misinformed, considered the Sith way a separate technique, or even that the concept of it only applying to Light side users was simply one of his many (often radical) theories. There is also the distinct possibility that light side Force ghosts and dark side Force ghosts are fundamentally different, and that's what Qui-Gon meant. Indeed Jedi Force ghosts seem to be \"freed\" into the netherworld by the passing of their physical forms and conversely, Sith Force ghosts seem to be \"trapped\" or attached by death, be it to a relic (the Muur Talisman, Ulic Qel-Droma's Sith amulet, etc.) or to specific locations (such as the Massassi Temples in Yavin IV, ancient Sith tombs, etc.), however the Sith Lord Darth Marr became a Force ghost after death and was apparently able to move freely in the material realm.
The non-canonical characters Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna become Force-ghosts after dying in the explosion of the second Death Star, and appeared on Endor next to Obi-Wan, Yoda, and both a younger and older vision of Anakin Skywalker.
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