Episode 03: The Tattler
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The TattlerSeason 6, Episode 3Air date:January 24, 2019Written by:David PhillipsDirected by:Jennifer ArnoldEpisode GuidePrevious:Hitchcock & ScullyNext:Four Movements"The Tattler" is the 3rd episode of Season Six of the NBC television show Brooklyn Nine-Nine [1].It aired on January 24, 2019.
Her conversation with Jake at the close of the episode is such sweet sorrow. It is a testament to the depth and richness of their friendship, and also a recognition that when we love a person, we let them grow. And so, we are ready to say goodbye (just kidding I AM NOT READY-NEVER LEAVE GINA).
Accidental Aesop: Discussed In-Universe when, after all of Terry and Holt's debates on what the mystery sound used in the radio contest was, it turned out to be a bag of chips, something that Hitchcock and Scully had mentioned near the beginning of the episode.Terry: Wow! So, the lesson here is to listen to Hitchcock and Scully more? Scully: No, that can't be possible. Hitchcock: Yeah, I don't think we've earned that, today. Holt: Agreed. Amy is less than wild about Jake's reaction to her suggestion that they figure out who the real tattler was:Jake: Yes, I love it! Why learn to grow when you can fix the past! This is exactly why I don't need therapy.Amy: Not sure that's the lesson I want you to take away from this.Jake: Too late! Alliterative Name: Brandon Bliss. Almost Famous Name: The high school football team has a "Tom Brady". Not the Patriots' Tom Brady, though. Ambiguously Bi: Jake, when describing Brandon Bliss to Rosa.Rosa: Dope name; sounds hot. Jake: He was hot, Rosa. Brick Joke: In the season 3 episode "Adrian Pimento", Rosa mentions using bolt cutters to make homemade jewelry. Here, she mentions promoting her homemade jewelry through Instagram. Class Reunion: The whole premise of this episode is Jake and Gina's. Coordinated Clothes: In high school, Jake and Gina wore identical outfits as the "Dope Denim Crew". This becomes relevant later, as the reason that Jake was accused of being the Tattler is because he was mistaken for Gina, who was the one who really told on Brandon. Decade-Themed Party: The dress code for the class reunion is to get dressed as in the 90's. Deliberate Values Dissonance: Brandon Bliss lost his virginity when he was twelve years old. Gina mentions that's horrifying, and Jake wholeheartedly agrees, but back then it was... everything. Easily Forgiven: After Jake's initially angry at Gina for letting others think he was The Tattler, he understands why she told on him. He tells her that her talents are being wasted at the 99. Embarrassing Nickname: The Tattler for Jake. False Friend: Brandon Bliss and his gang were this to Jake. Gina saw this, and tattled on Jake for his own good. For Your Own Good: Gina's motivation for tattling on Jake and his high school friends, because she feared they'd get in trouble, which would ruin Jake's plans to become a cop. Fun with Acronyms: At the beginning of the episode, Jake and Gina introduce themselves as the D.D.C., which stands for Dope Denim Crew. Geeky Turn-On: Amy gets very excited when she sees that Jake had zero absences during his junior year in high school.Jake: Alright, keep it in your pants, Santiago. Amy (sultrily) Oh, that's where [the report] is going. Also the fact that she thought Jake's nickname as "The Tattler" was actually sexy. The Ghost: Brandon Bliss is referred to throughout the episode, but never appears. See Toxic Friend Influence to find out why. Harsher in Hindsight: Invoked. When Brandon Bliss isn't at the reunion, Jake keeps coming up with all these ideas as to why, such as he's starring in a beer commercial where the plot is that everyone wants to have sex with him. Then, Gina reveals that he's not at the reunion because he got in trouble with the law, went to prison, and is currently out on parole. He's legally not allowed to leave the state of Delaware. Hypocritical Humor: Jake and Gina react with outrage and disgust when Quentin reveals he'd be lying about what he did for a living all night... which they only discovered because Gina had been lying about her life to him all night. Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The reason why Gina tattled on Brandon back in high school was because she did not want Jake going down a bad path. Letting the Air out of the Band: When Jake recalls the day Brandon was told on, he is seen walking down the hall and greeting Brandon as Smash Mouth's "All-Star" plays on the sound track. When he remembers an hour later when Brandon gives him a bad look, the music winds down to show Jake's mood souring. Not So Above It All: Holt is initially dismissive of Terry, Hitchcock, and Scully's interest in the "Name That Sound" game only to become preoccupied with finding the correct answer. Once Done, Never Forgotten: Jake repeatedly says that they've all moved on from the days he was known as The Tattler...cut to everyone at the reunion calling him that and his subsequent Freak Out. Protagonist-Centered Morality: Deconstructed. While Gina had good intentions of tattling on Brandon, and her actions made sure Jake never got in any legal or school trouble, it also ruined his reputation in high school. There is also the fact that she inadvertently framed Jake for the tattling and never confessed that it was her for over twenty years. Gina justifies it that Jake would have gotten into a lot of trouble, but Jake has a reason to be angry. Red Herring: Jake thinks he has pinpointed the true identity of the Tattler. He interrogates him, but he insists that he saw Jake tell on Brandon. However, the description he gives points Jake to the true culprit: Gina. Skewed Priorities: Jake is trying to get to the bottom of a decades' old incident that had turned him into a pariah in high school, but Amy gets sidetracked at the prospect of getting to do high school projects again. Toxic Friend Influence: Brandon Bliss. He persuaded Jake to help him steal a school van and drive to his uncle's cabin and get drunk. The only reason he didn't do it was because someone warned the school of Brandon's plan. It's implied that Jake would have gone through with it if Gina hadn't ratted Bliss out to the school and gotten him suspended. She also reveals that Brandon is absent from the reunion because he's currently serving parole in Delaware. Wham Episode: At the end of the episode, Jake and Gina discuss the latter leaving the 99 to pursue other projects as Jake feels that her talents are being wasted.
In which I watch tv shows and write posts about whether or not each episode passes the Bechdel, along with other observations on the quality (or lack thereof) of their female representation (as well as anything else that feels important to me, and hey, a little about the quality of the episodes themselves, because I'm just a big damn fan of tv). We all know the Bechdel is not (and was never intended to be) the be-all-and-end-all for judging the feminist content of a text, it's supposed to represent a bare-minimum hurdle that all-too-many things still completely fail to step over. Within the context of this blog, it remains a bare minimum - even if the episode gives me nothing else worth talking about, I can at least note whether or not it passes the B. Since you could theoretically pass the Bechdel eight times over and still be churning out the most misogynistic content ever encountered, this blog will also endeavour to evaluate that content when and where possible, offering a positive content rating out of five (five being excellent, one being atrocious, and three being the baseline standard from which so few episodes dare to deviate), and details of these observations and others under the spoiler-cut.
The new season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine continues. We got to see Jake and Amy on their honeymoon and now we got to see some of the histories of our favorite disaster of detectives Hitchcock and Scully. Despite the network change Brooklyn Nine-Nine very much feels like the same show with maybe a slightly more adult sense of humor. NBC has posted a brief summary and some promo images from the next episode and this time we get to see a high school reunion. That means we're going to learn more about what Jake and Gina were like as teenagers which is probably going to be a lot of fun.
Amy: Jake, this isn't so bad. History is full of great tattlers. Martin Luther King tattled on racists.Jake: That's a pretty undercutting way of describing his accomplishments.Amy: I was trying to help. It felt bad.
Gina: So I think I figured out an awesome and dramatic way to reveal that I was the Tattler. It'll be a dance. There'll be costumes.Jake: Gina, it's fine. I don't care anymore. It's all in the past.Gina: Oh, thank God. That is such a relief, 'cause I didn't want people thinking I was a tattler.
(First episode 1) The Inspection Department (Kansatsuka) is the department in charge of watching over the going on's of each ACCA branch to root out and keep an eye out on corruption and conspiracy. The main office has six members. Owl is the section chief, Jean is second in command, and under them are Knot, Atori, Moz, and Kelly.
(First episode 1) Hachikuma is a bakery. Moz once bought roll cake there for her office for their 10 o'clock snack time. And Lotta bought cookies their for a dinner she planned for herself, Nino, and Jean. The latter who reneged in favor of dinner with Mauve.[2] 781b155fdc