's Score) Les Miserables By Schonberg - Full Orchestra Score.pdf
LINK ::: https://tlniurl.com/2tai7X
The big crisis in music in Canada in 1988 occurred in the world of classical music. The bankruptcyand financial nearcollapse of the Vancouver and Windsor Symphony Orchestras made headlines while the Thunder Bay organization hovered on the edge ofcollapse as well. The Canada Council moved in eventually with some support in Vancouver and Windsor and other monies were provided by municipal grants. Thus the continuing existenceofthe orchestras was managed. A similarcrisis in the world ofCanadian jazz received little of the publicity surrounding the symphony orchestras. In May 1988 the Boss Brass, that outstandingorganization run by Rob McConnell, was disbanded for good after more than twenty years. It is arguable that the Boss Brass in its own way and in its own world had achieved far more recognition internationally thaneither the Vancouverorthe Windsor orchestras, and yet no agency stepped in to offer to keep the band alive and so keep McConnell here in Canada; he is now teaching atthe GroveSchoolof Music in California. From its beginnings when it played only a few dates around theToronto area, it was a struggle to keep the band going. It did branch out, playingatjazz festivals in theUnitedStates, and for a time seemed to make a regular annual visit to Califor135 nia. Its albums, while never released by a major record company, eventually became known to jazz collectors. The personnel remained remarkably stableduring the band's life; consisting for the most part of the fi nest veteran Canadian jazz players, the band was supplemented on occasion by new blood. Whenever Italked to its members, a splendid sense of camaraderie seemed to exist. Many ofthe players made everyeffort to fit their extensive playing schedules around the intermittent opportunities available from the concert hall. The Boss Brass played at the biggest jazz festivals in the world, including the Montreux Festival, Monterey Jazz Festival, Chicago Jazz Festival, Sxme jazz Helsinki Festival, and the Montreal Jazz Festival. In addition, the band played in opera houses and concert halls, on college campuses, and at a variety of jazz clubs and festivals. McConnell's last road trip in late 1983 included a return visit to Toronto to play his last concert with the Boss Brass. In the previous year he had played a number of concerts with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, but this was the first time since the Boss Brass disbanded that McConnell had played with a major Canadian orchestra.
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