Software Nemoceph 13
After the work was completed, all the digital data were exported as STL (scaled three-dimensional) files and then imported into Geomagic (Geomagic, Morrisville, NC, USA) software for geometrical analysis, verification, and evaluation of the results. Tooth dimensions were measured from the digital image using the digital caliper tool from Geomagic software. Tooth widths were measured from anterior to posterior, from mesial to distal surfaces and calculated as the difference between the mesio-distal widths of each tooth.
Bolton Analizi: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Data from a Fotogrametric Study of the Mesio-Distal Tooth Size Measurement with Standard Occlusal Photographs. Turkce: Okluzal Fotograflarda Fotogrametrik Bir Yontem Kullanilarak Bolton Analizi. Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, standardize okluzal fotograflar kullanilarak Bolton Analizi yapilmasini saglayan yeni bir fotogrametrik teknigi sunmak ve alci calisma modelleri ile bu yeni yontemin guvenilirligini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu calisma yaslari 18-25 arasinda olan 16 birey uzerinde (8 erkek, 8 kadin) gerceklestirilmistir. Standart okluzal fotograflar ve alci calisma modelleri elde edilmistir. Okluzal fotograflar Nemoceph[R] yazilimiyla kalibre edilmistir. 1. buyuk azi dislerine kadar olan tum dislerin mezio-distal boyutlari hesaplanmis ve Bolton analizi yapilmistir. Benzer sekilde, alci calisma modellerindeki tum dislerin mezio-distal boyutlari 0,1 mm hassasiyete sahip bir dijital kompas kullanilarak Bolton analizi yapmak icin olculmustur. Calisma modellerinde ve ilgili okluzal fotograflarda 28 parametreye olculmustur. Fotogrametrik yontemin gecerliligini ve guvenilirligini test etmek icin elestirilmis t testi ve sinif ici korelasyon testleri yapilmistir.
Participants of the course are required to obtain permission from the supervisor in order to withdraw from the course. The course is delivered in Swedish. Participation in the course is by Swedish and international exchange students. The course is organized by the Danish Centre for IT and Modelling of Photovoltaic Materials and Devices, KU, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 827ec27edc