Waiting For Bojangles (2022)
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Waiting for Bojangles (2022) is a frank depiction of the slow descent into bipolar and the lack of medication and proper facilities. Virginie Efira (Elle, Victoria, Benedetta, and Sibyl) is a force of acting to be reckoned with in every role she tackles. She was born to dispel our deepest disbeliefs in an actor. Waiting for Bojangles is a tragic story especially for the family. From the start we think we know where this film is going but the ending may be a surprise. Efira is fearless and knows exactly how to portray the most awkward scenes that would most actors shy away from the script.
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack from the StudioCanal comedy-drama film Waiting for Bojangles (2022). The original score music is composed by Clare Manchon and Olivier Manchon. 781b155fdc