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The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award was created by the Department of Education, USCC (now USCCB), in 1980 to recognize the significant contributions of persons serving the spiritual needs of Catholic members in organizations serving girls. It is offered to those dioceses that choose to use it, subject to the approval of the local ordinary. It is intended to recognize notable contributions to this field of youth ministry, although the St. Anne Medal remains the highest national award.
The St. Anne Medal for adults working with Catholic members of national organizations serving girls is an award of the Department of Education, USCC. It was inaugurated at the Sixth National Conference on Catholic Youth Work in Philadelphia in November 1957 and it was redesigned in 1980. It is offered to those dioceses which choose to use it, subject to the approval of the local ordinary. It is the highest national award in this field. The purpose of the award is to honor the outstanding service of adults contributing to the spiritual development of Catholic members of organizations for girls, and to further Catholic adult leadership in youth ministry through those organizations.
The Youth Core Leadership Team is composed of twelve high school youth from across the ELCA who have been identified as leaders in congregations and/or synods, and who desire the opportunity to dig more deeply into their own leadership and faith formation. Each year, twelve youth are invited to this team. A youth who has served for one year may apply to serve for another year on the team.
The YCLT exists to provide leadership development opportunities for ELCA high school youth, that are equipped in skills like speaking, worship planning, small group training and peer ministry as they plan and lead the ELCA Youth Leadership Summit. They also serve as a focus group for ELCA Churchwide Ministries and are often interviewed and asked to serve on other committees and teams as the church strives to do ministry with youth more effectively.
This downloadable (PDF) training manual is designed to equip you in both the theory and practice of biblical youth ministry. It is an easy to use, step-by-step resource for you and your leadership team. It is highly interactive and enjoyable with lots of helpful activities, Bible studies and group discussion questions. Each study contains a leaders version and a student version. You can easily print the student section for your group.
203. I want to state clearly that young people themselves are agents of youth ministry. Certainly they need to he helped and guided, but at the same time left free to develop new approaches, with creativity and a certain audacity. So I will not attempt here to propose a kind of manual of youth ministry or a practical pastoral guide. I am more concerned with helping young people to use their insight, ingenuity and knowledge to address the issues and concerns of other young people in their own language.
208. In the Synod, many concrete proposals emerged for renewing youth ministry and freeing it from approaches that are no longer effective because they are incapable of entering into dialogue with contemporary youth culture. Naturally, I cannot list them all here. A number of them can be found in the Final Document of the Synod.
209. I wish simply to emphasize that youth ministry involves two main courses of action. One is outreach, the way we attract new young people to an experience of the Lord. The other is growth, the way we help those who have already had that experience to mature in it.
232. Similarly, especially in the case of young people who do not come from Christian families or institutions, and are slowly growing to maturity, we have to encourage all the good that we can.[126] Christ warned us not to see only the good grain (cf. Mt 13:24-30). At times, in the attempt to develop a pure and perfect youth ministry, marked by abstract ideas, protected from the world and free of every flaw, we can turn the Gospel into a dull, meaningless and unattractive proposition. Such a youth ministry ends up completely removed from the world of young people and suited only to an elite Christian youth that sees itself as different, while living in an empty and unproductive isolation. In rejecting the weeds, we also uproot or choke any number of shoots trying to spring up in spite of their limitations.
242. Young people need to have their freedom respected, yet they also need to be accompanied. The family should be the first place of accompaniment. Youth ministry can present the ideal of life in Christ as the process of building a house on rock (cf. Mt 7:24-25). For most young people, that house, their life, will be built on marriage and married love. That is why youth ministry and the pastoral care of families should be coordinated and integrated, with the aim of ensuring a continuous and suitable accompaniment of the vocational process. 153554b96e